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Managed Trail Access: Update

29 Mar 2023 9:16 AM | Anonymous

Hello Dirt Riders,

Here is the latest update on the trail access file.  The reason there has been delays is because things are moving fast and each time we plan a communication, new progress occurs and we're quickly outdated.

There was a disconnect somewhere beyond NBDRA borders, and so we asked for our membership to assist in shining a light on that disconnect.

Thanks to you and your efforts, the NBDRA was successful in securing renewed attention and support to the Trail Access goals for offroad motorcycles.

Since then, many within the NB Provincial Government have reached out, offering their input and assistance. Similarly, many MLA's in your respective regions have vocalized support, several to me personally.

QuadNB has formed a committee comprised of their own board members, with the goal of assisting the NBDRA in our trail access endeavor.

Representatives from NBDRA and QuadNB met on March 16th, to discuss a letter sent to both organizations from DNRE and DTI, detailing their minimum requirements to grant immediate access to as much of the trail system as possible. We collaborated on potential solutions to these items, and that proposal was confirmed received by DNRE just yesterday.

The requirements outlined in this letter included; signage, trail/organization insurance, municipal bylaws, crown land, private land owners, and corporate land owners, DTI roads, safety equipment, mapping, and administrative governance of the model by both associations.

Rapid progress is being made. We appreciate everyone's patience.

Please be sure to like and follow the New Brunswick Dirt Riders Association - NBDRA page. Very soon, this will be one focal point from which official news and policy changes about our sport in NB will be announced.

The NBDRA will be tasked by the Province to inform the membership concerning rules of access, regulations, trail safety, permissible areas, and more. This will be done by registered email address for active and former NBDRA members, and to the public at large through Social Media.

Please feel free to reach out with any questions, we're happy to answer as best we can.

Thank you again. Without each of you and your love for the sport, we wouldn't be where we are today.

Kyle Simpson - President, NBDRA


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